
Interactive Meeting Notes

Documentation of the Team discussion can be collected through the IEP Reports Meeting Notes Tool. This allows multiple users to edit this information simultaneously and in real-time. At the conclusion of the IEP Meeting this information can be converted to an encrypted PDF and can be emailed to the parents/guardians with ease.

Click to try our Demo Meeting Notes Tool
Digital Meeting Notes

Automatic Email Alerts and Reminders

The primary function of IEP Reports is to ensure compliance with state and federal guidelines. Our goal is to provide the IEP to Parents and/or Guardians in a timely manner after the Team meeting.

The IEP is the cornerstone of a quality education for each child with a disability. - Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services

Our Alert Emails remind Liaisons after a set number of working days if an IEP has not been submitted for review. Additionally, Liaisons will receive an Email Alert if any corrections are requested from the IEP Reviewer.

Web-Based IEP Annotation

Try our IEP Review Tool which allows the reviewer to note errors or to request changes of the IEP from the assigned Liaison.

  • Highlight text
  • Strikeout text
  • Insert comments

No software to download - Available through any browser.


Generate Compliance Reports

IEP Reports informs Special Education Designees of individual and organizational compliance in order to identify areas of improvement. With this information, appropriate and timely Professional Development may be designed to make improvements within your system.

Compliance Reports

Additional Features

Optional Google Integration

Does your district use Google Suite? Connect your Google Account with IEP Reports in order to have scheduled meetings automatically appear in the Google Calendar of your choice.

Optional Integration with your Student Information System (SIS)

Our support staff will work with your current Student Information System (SIS) in order to integrate IEP Reports within your current workflow. Contact us for more information.

  • Reduces the need to import your student & liaison databases
  • Seamlessly automates data entry, saving you time
  • Complete all tasks in a single setting

Google Chrome Extension

All users have access to the IEP Reports - Google Chrome Extension, allowing you to view the number of tasks that you have assigned to you without signing into IEP Reports directly.